Overall, there are many countless features available in this awesome 3D modeling application and we highly recommend it for professional 3D drawing and graphics work. Its dimensioning tools makes it possible for designers to customize callouts via controls for line weight, arrow and stroke style, curved leader lines, font formatting and line spacing.

Create great looking materials that look exactly like the real thing.Render VR-ready content for popular virtual reality headsets.Simply light your scenes with a single HDR (high-dynamic-range) image of its environment.Render any type of natural or artificial lighting with a wide range of built-in light types.Render photo realistic rooms and interiors with powerful and fast global illumination.Automatically remove noise and cut render times by up to 50%.

You can use it to make anything – from 3D diagrams to high quality images – the possibilities are up to you. V-Ray for SketchUp is easy to use and delivers great results. Using V-Ray for SketchUp you can get access to over 600 photo realistic, drag-and-drop materials too. With a full suite of creative tools, V-Ray lets you render anything and everything – from quick design models to your most detailed 3D scenes. Free Download V-Ray Next Build 5 for SketchUp 2017-2022 by Chaos Group for Windows PC it is a professional lighting and rendering tool for architects & designers.