RedPort Optimizer works as a NMEA repeater to broadcast your NMEA data (GPS location, AIS, weather data) to your navigational software on your smartphones, tablets, or computers. That means you can connect to, say, a Marina Wi-Fi from the comfort of your own boat.

Once you’ve capture that long-range Wi-Fi, what do you do with it? Optimizer takes that Wi-Fi internet connection and rebroadcasts it around your location. Setting up the RedPort Long-Range Wi-Fi Extender on your boat (or truck or RV, etc) means that you can capture that same Wi-Fi signal – even up to miles away. It’s a common problem: you’re at a marina, truckstop, or camp and while there is free (or cheap) Wi-Fi available, it doesn’t extend past the front door of the office. Using these two together gives you a total package of Wi-Fi connectivity.

The RedPort Halo system combines the most powerful long-range Wi-Fi extender on the market with the popular RedPort Optimizer Wi-Fi Hotspot.